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New National Park in North Macedonia - Shar Mountains

Opportunity for sustainable development

For the first time since 1958, the Macedonian Parliament passed a law on the proclamation of a new national park - Shar Mountain. For more than 20 years the citizens, local communities and environmental groups have waited for this day and now they can celebrate the establishment of the new protected area and the start of a new era of nature protection and sustainable development.

Establishing new protected areas is not only welcome from the perspective of nature conservation, but also as a mechanism for further enhancement of the harmonious relationship between humans and nature as these protected areas provide preservation, as well as sustainable development of the region. Shar Mountain will represent a great example of how humans can benefit from natural resources while protecting its values and area’s special characteristics.

WWF Adria supported the process of proclamation in the past year and is taking active participation in the preparations of the new management plan and programs of the new national park. We remain committed to provide support to the institutions in establishing sound systems and mechanisms for the park management.
Sharr Mountain is the fourth national park in Northern Macedonia and the first since the country's independence. According to the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, the proclamation of the part of Sharr Mountain located in northern Macedonia as a protected area enables the establishment of a system of sustainable management of the area which is a treasure of biodiversity and a habitat for two thirds of all plant species and ample flora and fauna.

The adoption of the above mentioned law opens up new opportunities for the protection of the natural heritage and sustainable socio-economic development of the area, the establishment of wider cross-border cooperation, the use of new financial opportunities and development of local brands and various forms of sustainable tourism.
© Helena Andonova, Eko-svest
Shari Mountains


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