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Kivalo, a great example of sustainable and inclusive conservation

Kivalo is a fishing village located at the northwest of Morondava. Today, it has a community organization with 250 members that manages the 5000 hectares of mangroves around it.

The organization manages three camps around the village, and each of them has its own independent structure, able to make decisions in emergency. It carries out reforestation of mangroves, monitors and maintains them.
Between 2014 and 2020, Kivalo communities were able to restore 56 hectares of mangroves. Kivalo communities also ensure that all local fishing practices are sustainable. They make regular reports to the Regional Directorate of Environment and Sustainable Development regarding problems that arise, such as land clearing, application of the "Dina". One of the most important roles of the community association is to sensitize the population on the importance of mangroves.

The fulfillment of the local community and the development of the village of Kivalo is the result of its partnership with various entities including  WWF. This collaboration is beneficial to both nature and the community. Community-based ecotourism is one of the biggest innovations in this village and has brought many advantages to the people of Kivalo. During the high season of tourism, seasonal jobs are created, young workers can earn money by guiding tourists. The village has a chalet-restaurant, managed by the women of the village, to feed the visitors.

Justin Rakotomanahira, president of the community organization says with great pride that "Our village Kivalo has changed a lot, there have been so many innovations. The whole community benefits. And above all, we have understood the concept of sustainable mangrove conservation."

The various collaborations of Kivalo village allow a sustainable and inclusive conservation of natural resources, especially mangroves. Mangroves are very important to the community as they provide food and income, address climate change and beautify the village and its surroundings.


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