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The networks of actors platform (PRA) supports the fight against corruption and trafficking in natural resources in the Menabe region.

The country's natural resources are under constant pressure, to the detriment of its people, biodiversity and climate.

The lack of adequate and repressive measures against environmental crime encourages the recrudescence of various offences and crimes against biodiversity and ecosystems, exacerbated by deplorable socio-economic conditions and the development of a feeling of impunity for acts committed.
Wildlife trafficking continues to fill the columns of the media, namely the recent seizure of Madagascar's endemic lemurs and turtles in Thailand. This act of banditry against the country's natural heritage often conceals acts of corruption. To support efforts to combat corruption and trafficking in natural resources, various stakeholders have joined forces to form a platform called the “Plateforme des réseaux d’acteurs (PRA)” (the networks of actors platform). The platform's main mission is to provide technical assistance to the territorial management of the Independent Anti-Corruption Bureau (BIANCO) and to promote transparency and accountability in the fight against corruption. Through this platform, members will be able to educate, raise awareness and deal with possible cases of corruption relating to the exploitation and trafficking of natural resources, with the aim of denormalizing corruption and recovering illicit assets.
Comprising government bodies, law enforcement agencies, NGOs, civil society and the private sector, this platform was recently set up for the Menabe region, and a platform action plan has been drawn up. The existence of this platform represents a major solution for local communities faced with acts of corruption involving the illicit exploitation and trafficking of the natural resources they manage, as well as for the managers of protected areas.  Setting up the platform will help to reduce and/or eliminate cases of corruption linked to the exploitation of natural resources, and facilitate the handling of cases where necessary.
By becoming a member of this networks of actors platform, WWF intends to strengthen its support and commitment in the fight against natural resource trafficking and associated corruption, in Madagascar and across its intervention landscapes, in order to preserve communities' livelihoods and biodiversity. 



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